Indoor activities for kids
We have loads of free indoor games and activities for children so they can still get the 60 minutes of daily physical activity they need – even when they cannot get outside!
Ideas for activities at home
Here are just a few ideas for ways to stay active at home and have fun doing it.

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Skip the sofa! Over 8 weeks you'll receive easy tips and Disney themed games to help your family move more. Taking one small step after another can soon add up to make a big difference!

More indoor games
Here are more than 50 fun and free indoor-friendly games inspired by your favourite Disney, Pixar and Marvel characters – perfect for banishing the bad-weather blues and staying active.
Dancing games
Get ready to throw some super shapes and move to the jungle beat. Your top tunes and some simple props are all you need!
Ball games
Grab yourself a soft ball, some scrunched-up newspaper or a balloon and let's get going!
Race, chase and obstacle course games
With some pens, paper and a few toys, you can put your speed, accuracy and agility to the test.
Games to level up your skills
Balance, strength, stamina, ducking, diving, dodging and leaping – these games have it all.
How much exercise do kids need?
It's recommended kids are physically active for at least 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of this outside of school.
That includes 3 sessions a week of exercise that strengthens their bones and muscles, so variety is key!

Accessible activities
It is equally important that children with disabilities are active, for their health and development – and more importantly – to have fun. See more ideas for disabled children and young people.